Friday, 6 November 2015

Happy Friday! And it's feeling like summer is almost here. 

Congratulations on getting through exams and all the best for your break. We look forward to seeing students back here for Summer School smile emoticon 

Check out our Summer School options to speed up your degree this summer:

Friday, 9 October 2015

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

It's starting to feel like spring's in the air. We'd love to see your awesome shots around campus - share them with us or check out our Instagram (@waikatouniversity). We'll select the best shots as cover images! 
#WaikatoUni #Lovethetron

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Another stunner here in the Waikato today. I just loved seeing the sun rising over the Pavement Poetry down by the Oranga Lake this morning. Has anyone been along to enjoy some of these amazing works? Check out more at Mayhem Literary Journal - Waikato's Creative Writing Journal.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

An impressive New Zealand university ranking

The University of Waikato is ranked 44th in the world for universities less than 50 years old and 44th out of the 100 "most international" universities. It has five subjects – Education, Modern Languages, Economics and Econometrics, Law and Computer Science and Info Systems – ranked in the top 150 in the world with Education judged 46th.
The University of Waikato has an enviable reputation among international students already, with more than 70 countries represented among the student body, with 2000 International students studying on campus.
International students experience
Successful applicants will receive important financial aid while they study at one of New Zealand's most modern and innovative universities.

A top international student experience

A 2013 International Student Barometer survey showed that at the University of Waikato 82% of respondents said they would recommend our university to others and more than 90% of those students surveyed were satisfied with their experience at the University of Waikato. The survey also ranked the University of Waikato 11th in the world for careers office support.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Loving these crisp winter days here at Waikato. Here's a cool shot of the blue sky through the Aurei sculpture in front of the Student Centre.
Aurei represents a famous proverbial saying from King Pōtatau, the first Māori king: There is but one eye of the needle through which the white, black and red threads must pass.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Happy Hump Day! It will be awesome to see all new students on campus this week.

Click here to see academic orientation activities 

#WaiEvents #WaikatoUni #HumpDay